Vaccination des adultes
Immunisation des adultes
Tous les adultes vivant au Canada qui ne présentent pas de contre-indications devraient être vaccinés systématiquement contre les maladies évitables par la vaccination.
Immunization of Adults
All adults in Canada without contraindications should be routinely immunized against vaccine-preventable diseases.
La prévention du syndrome de rubéole congénitale
Le document de principes de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie sur la prévention du syndrome de rubéole congénitale (SRC) répond aux questions, y compris les suivantes : quelle est l’efficacité du programme de vaccination contre la rubéole; pourquoi le SRC existe-t-il encore au Canada; quelle est la fréquence des échecs vaccinaux, et ces échecs contribuent-ils au SRC; peut-on en faire davantage; la vaccination contre la rubéole des personnes séronégatives, y compris des femmes pendant la période postnatale, s'associe-t-elle à des complications?
La santé des voyageurs
Prevention of congenital rubella syndrome (CPS)
Offers the Canadian Pediatric Society statement on rubella. Answers questions including: how effective has the rubella vaccination program been; how often does congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) occur in Canada; why does CRS continue to occur in Canada; how common is vaccine failure and does vaccine failure contribute to CRS; can more be done; are there any complications of rubella immunization of seronegative individuals, including women in the postpartum period.
Travel Health
Includes information to protect health while travelling.
Vaccine uptake in Canadian adults: results from the 2014 adult National Immunization Coverage Survey
The Adult National Immunization Coverage Survey (aNICS) constitutes an ongoing approach to measuring adult immunization coverage in Canada and monitoring progress towards national targets. The next aNICS cycle will take place in 2016. The Public Health Agency of Canada will continue to work to collaborate with provinces, territories and other stakeholders to improve immunization coverage assessment methodology. Public and professional education and outreach campaigns will also continue to promote the benefits and safety of immunization in Canada.
Adult immunization: Communicating with patients
Immunizations are recommended through all stages of life, and are significant to promoting good health. Health care providers can help patients identify which vaccines they need to stay healthy. These slides, offered by Immunize Canada, are designed to assist health care providers when communicating with their adult patients.
Adult immunization: Why we need to change the conversation around vaccines, for the health of all Canadians
Supplement to Maclean's magazine discussing why the conversation around vaccines needs to change, for the health of all Canadians.
L'immunisation des adultes : Communiquer avec vos patients
Les vaccins sont recommandés à tous les stades de la vie. Un professionnel de soins de santé peut aider ses patients à déterminer de quels vaccins ils ont besoin pour rester en bonne santé. Ces diapositives offertes par Immunisation Canada sont conçues pour aider les professionnels de soins de santé avec la communication sur la vaccination de leurs patients adultes.