Recommandations sur l'utilisation du vaccin antirotavirus chez les nourrissons : Document de principes
Le présent document de principes vise à fournir des recommandations sur l'utilisation du vaccin antirotavirus pour protéger les nourrissons du Canada. Il résume l'information sur la maladie clinique et son épidémiologie, ainsi que sur l'innocuité et l'efficacité des vaccins antirotavirus actuellement homologués pour prévenir les infections à rotavirus au Canada. La vaccination antirotavirus systématique, recommandée pour les nourrissons, est financée par le gouvernement de la plupart des provinces et des territoires. Le présent document de principes remplace celui qui a été publié en 2010.
Recommendations for the use of rotavirus vaccines in infants: Position Statement
The purpose of the present statement is to provide recommendations for the use of rotavirus vaccine to protect infants in Canada. It summarizes information on clinical disease and epidemiology, as well as on the safety and efficacy of rotavirus vaccines currently licensed for the prevention of rotavirus disease in Canada. Routine rotavirus vaccination is recommended for infants and is publically funded in most provinces and territories. This statement replaces a previous rotavirus statement published in 2010.
Refrigerator and Freezer Vaccine Storage Guidelines
Illustrates safe vaccine storage and vaccine refrigerator and freezer maintenance.
Vaccination and your child
Presents a routine childhood immunization schedule and vaccine information.
Your baby's immune system and vaccines
Answers the questions: What is the immune system and how does it work? What is a vaccine and how does it work? Can my baby's immune system handle more than one vaccine at a time? and why is it important for my baby to get shots on time?
About the Immunization Safety Office
Describes the activities of the Immunization Safety Office of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Influenza vaccine (CPS)
Counsels parents on whether their child should get a flu shot, and about the safety of influenza vaccines. Recommends annual influenza vaccination for all children over 6 months.
Le vaccin contre l'influenza (SPC)
A fact sheet for parents that describes the symptoms of rotavirus and the rotavirus vaccine. Explains why it is important for children to receive the vaccine.