
Date de publication: 2011 Catégorie: Type: PDFAyez l'info - pas la grippe

Ayez l'info - pas la grippe

Affiche pour promouvoir la vaccination contre l’influenza chez les Premières nations.

Auteurs collectifs: Santé Canada - Santé des Premières Nations et des Inuits
Éditeur: Santé Canada - Santé des Premières Nations et des Inuits

Date de publication: 2011 Catégorie: Type: PDFAyez l'info- pas la grippe

Ayez l'info- pas la grippe

Affiche pour promouvoir la vaccination contre l’influenza chez les Inuit.

Auteurs collectifs: Santé Canada - Santé des Premières Nations et des Inuits
Éditeur: Santé Canada - Santé des Premières Nations et des Inuits

Date de publication: 2011 Catégorie: Parents, Adults, New Canadians, Pregnant women, Seniors Type: PDFGet the Facts - Not the Flu

Get the Facts - Not the Flu

Poster for First Nations audience, promoting influenza immunization.

Auteurs collectifs: Health Canada - First Nations & Inuit Health Branch
Éditeur: Health Canada - First Nations & Inuit Health Branch

Date de publication: 2011 Catégorie: Parents, Adults, Children & students, New Canadians, Pregnant women, Seniors Type: PDFGet the Facts- Not the Flu

Get the Facts- Not the Flu

Poster for Inuit audience, promoting influenza immunization.

Auteurs collectifs: Health Canada - First Nations & Inuit Health Branch
Éditeur: Health Canada - First Nations & Inuit Health Branch

Date de publication: 2011 Catégorie: Type: Lien externe Influenza : un nom sérieux pour une maladie sérieuse

Influenza : un nom sérieux pour une maladie sérieuse

Affiche avec le message que l’influenza est une maladie sérieuse.

Auteurs collectifs: Réseau canadien d'immunisation contre la grippe dans les soins de santé
Éditeur: Réseau canadien d'immunisation contre la grippe dans les soins de santé

Date de publication: 2011 Catégorie: Health care providers, Parents, Adults, Children & students, New Canadians, Pregnant women, Seniors, Travellers Type: PDFInfluenza is serious

Influenza is serious

Auteurs collectifs: Canadian Healthcare Influenza Information Network
Éditeur: Canadian Healthcare Influenza Immunization Network

Date de publication: 2011 Catégorie: Health care providers Type: PDFSurvey of Parents on Key Issues Related to Immunization: Executive Summary

Survey of Parents on Key Issues Related to Immunization: Executive Summary

Quantitative research was conducted with Canadian parents in order to understand their perceptions and information needs related to childhood immunizations. Telephone interviews were conducted with a random sample of 1,745 Canadian parents, screening for those who had at least one child under the age of 18. Interview questions investigated Canadian parents' knowledge, awareness, attitudes and behaviours related to immunization. Findings from this research will be used to inform public education strategies and initiatives.

Auteurs collectifs: Ekos Research Associates
Éditeur: Ekos Research Associates

Date de publication: 2011 Catégorie: Health care providers Type: PDFSurvey of Parents on Key Issues Related to Immunization: Final Report

Survey of Parents on Key Issues Related to Immunization: Final Report

Quantitative research was conducted with Canadian parents in order to understand their perceptions and information needs related to childhood immunizations. Telephone interviews were conducted with a random sample of 1,745 Canadian parents, screening for those who had at least one child under the age of 18. Interview questions investigated Canadian parents' knowledge, awareness, attitudes and behaviours related to immunization. Findings from this research will be used to inform public education strategies and initiatives.

Auteurs collectifs: Ekos Research Associates
Éditeur: Ekos Research Associates

Date de publication: 2010 Catégorie: Health care providers Type: PDFConsultation with health care professionals and influenza immunization among women in contact with young children

Consultation with health care professionals and influenza immunization among women in contact with young children

Analyzes whether consultation with a medical professional increases the likelihood of receiving a flu shot among women who have given birth in the past five years and to determine whether this association differs by type of medical professional. Consultation with family doctors was found to have the strongest association with annual flu shots among women in contact with young children.

Auteurs: Chambers C et al.
Numéro de la revue: 1
Titre de la revue: Canadian Journal of Public Health
Volume de la revue: 101
Éditeur: Canadian Public Health Association

Date de publication: 2010 Catégorie: Health care providers, Parents, Adults Type: Lien externe Understanding Immunization Toolkit: How Well Do Vaccines Work?

Understanding Immunization Toolkit: How Well Do Vaccines Work?

Auteurs collectifs: National Aboriginal Health Organization
Éditeur: National Aboriginal Health Organization