Offre de l’information sur la rubéole, les causes, les risques, les symptômes, la prévention, le traitement, la surveillance, et des informations spécifiques à l’intention des professionnels de la santé.
Teens, Meet Vaccines
A booklet created by the Public Health Agency of Canada to inform adolescents about the vaccines they need.
Vaccination and your child
Presents a routine childhood immunization schedule and vaccine information.
Vaccine- and Vaccine Safety-Related Q&A Sheets (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)
The information provided on each Q&A sheet addresses commonly asked questions and is meant to be informative; however, it should not be considered a replacement for actual medical advice.
Vaccins. Allô les ados!
Un livret offert par l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada qui informe les adolescents des vaccins dont ils ont besoin.
Canadian Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: Planning Guidance for the Health Sector
This is a federal, provincial, and territorial (FPT) guidance document that outlines how jurisdictions will work together to ensure a coordinated and consistent health-sector approach to pandemic preparedness and response.
Every Child by Two
Every Child By Two - Carter/Bumpers Champions for Immunization (ECBT) is a nonprofit organization committed to reducing the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases in children. For more than two decades, ECBT has been conducting a myriad of activities aimed at reaching its goals of increasing awareness of the need for timely immunizations and developing a systematic method of locating and vaccinating all of America's children.
Immunisation chez tous les enfants
Dépliant bilingue produit par Immunisation Canada en 2015 qui explique la vaccination, pourquoi elle est importante, et quand faire vacciner ses enfants. Remplace le dépliant Faites vacciner vos enfants!
Immunization for Every Child
Bilingual pamphlet created by Immunize Canada in 2015 explaining vaccination, why it is important, and when to get your children vaccinated. Replaces the pamphlet ‘Immunize Your Kids!’
La rougeole - contagieuse - évitable
Cette affiche encourage les Canadiens et les Canadiennes à se faire vacciner contre la rougeole.