Fondation canadienne de maladies infectieuses
Les Fondations canadiennes des maladies infectieuses sont la Fondation canadienne des maladies infectieuses (FCMI) et la Fondation pour la recherche et le développement en maladies infectieuses (FRDMI).
Fondation canadienne du foie
GAVI Alliance
Dedicated to increasing child immunization around the globe and aiding the efforts of poorer countries to provide children with basic access to life saving vaccines.
Healthy First Nations and Inuit (Facebook page)
This Healthy First Nations and Inuit page is a Government of Canada initiative aimed at keeping First Nations and Inuit informed about health related campaigns, and fostering dialogue on various health topics.
Immunization, vaccines and biologicals
Provides policy, guidelines and information about vaccines, immunization and vaccine-preventable diseases.
Infectious diseases and immunization
Presents a series of principal documents from the Canadian Paediatric Society on diverse topics relating to infectious diseases and immunization.
Institute for Vaccine Safety
Discusses current vaccine issues including thimerosal, polio vaccine and HIV. Provides an independent assessment of vaccines and vaccine safety to help guide decision makers and educate physicians, the public and the media about key issues surrounding the safety of vaccines.
Maladies infectieuses et immunisation
Présente une série de documents de principes de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie sur divers sujets relatifs aux maladies infectieuses et à l’immunisation.
National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
Dedicated to educating the public and healthcare professionals about the causes, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. Includes fact sheets, continuing medical education, publications, and the National Coalition for Adult Immunization.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Provides support for scientists conducting research aimed at developing better ways to diagnose, treat and prevent the many infectious, immunologic and allergic diseases that afflict people worldwide.