
PUBLISHED: 2017 CATEGORY: Health care providers, Adults TYPE: External Link National Vaccine Program Office

National Vaccine Program Office

Describes the work of the National Vaccine Program Office in the United States. Includes links to publications and reports on vaccine safety, vaccine coverage, and immunization laws.

Corporate Authors: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Publisher: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

PUBLISHED: 2017 CATEGORY: Parents TYPE: External Link PKIDs Online : Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases

PKIDs Online : Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases

Educates the public about infectious diseases, the methods of prevention and transmission, the latest advances in medicine, and the elimination of social stigma borne by the infected. Assists the families of the children living with hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, or other chronic, viral infectious diseases with emotional, financial and informational support.

Corporate Authors: Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases
Publisher: Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases

PUBLISHED: 2017 CATEGORY: TYPE: External Link Premières nations et Inuits en santé (Facebook)

Premières nations et Inuits en santé (Facebook)

Premières nations et Inuits en santé est une initiative du gouvernement du Canada visant à tenir les Premières nations et les Inuits informés sur les campagnes en matière de modes de vie sains. Cette initiative vise aussi à encourager un dialogue sur plusieurs sujets liés à la santé.

Publisher: Santé Canada - Santé des Premières Nations et des Inuits

PUBLISHED: 2017 CATEGORY: TYPE: External Link Qu'est-ce que le CCMTMV?

Qu'est-ce que le CCMTMV?

Le Comité consultatif de la médecine tropicale et de la médecine des voyages (CCMTMV) est un organe consultatif d'experts qui assiste l'ASPC en ce qui a trait aux conseils relatifs à la santé-voyage et pour les professionnels des soins de santé.

Corporate Authors: Public Health Agency of Canada
Publisher: Public Health Agency of Canada

PUBLISHED: 2017 CATEGORY: Les fournisseurs de soins, Parents, Adultes TYPE: External Link Vaccination


Par leurs études et leurs avis, l’Institut national de santé publique et le Comité sur l’immunisation du Québec participent au maintien de la qualité du programme québécois d’immunisation. Voici réunies dans une même page, les plus récentes publications concernant la vaccination par thématiques et quelques ressources pertinentes.

Corporate Authors: Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Publisher: Institut national de santé publique du Québec

PUBLISHED: 2017 CATEGORY: Parents, Adults TYPE: External Link Vaccine Education Center (CHOP)

Vaccine Education Center (CHOP)

Provides resources that explain how vaccines work, how they are made, who recommends vaccines, when they should be given, if they are still necessary, and, most importantly, if they are safe.

Corporate Authors: Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Publisher: Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

PUBLISHED: 2017 CATEGORY: Health care providers, Adults TYPE: External Link VIDO : Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization

VIDO : Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization

The University of Saskatchewan’s Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) is a world leader in the research and development of vaccine and immunity-enhancing technologies for humans and animals.

Corporate Authors: University of Saskatchewan, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization
Publisher: University of Saskatchewan

PUBLISHED: 2015 CATEGORY: Parents, Adults TYPE: External Link Misconceptions about immunization (Quackwatch)

Misconceptions about immunization (Quackwatch)

Addresses ten misconceptions that can lead parents to question the wisdom of immunizing their children. Provides links to news and resources.

Corporate Authors: Quackwatch
Publisher: Quackwatch

PUBLISHED: 2015 CATEGORY: Health care providers, Adults TYPE: External Link Thimerosal (US CDC)

Thimerosal (US CDC)

Provides links to information about thimerosal.

Corporate Authors: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Publisher: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

PUBLISHED: 2013 CATEGORY: Health care providers, Parents, Adults TYPE: External Link Influenza (flu)

Influenza (flu)

Offers general information about the flu, including sections on seasonal influenza, avian influenza, and pandemic influenza.

Corporate Authors: Health Canada
Publisher: Health Canada